Archive for the ‘Fight Psychology’ Category

So, You Want to Learn to Fence…   11 comments

Actually, this will end up being more about learning in general, and how to effect skill and knowledge development as an autodidact. Most of us are, to one degree or another, self-taught, and so having a better understanding of how to learn without direct instruction is invariably useful. Before we begin, you must accept and […]

Posted January 23, 2016 by Dante di Pietro in Fight Psychology, Teaching and Training

Relevant Factors   54 comments

I’ve been asked to elaborate on an idea I had not too long ago, and I’ve found that it coincides well with a few other ideas I’ve been fleshing out recently, so all of those things are being combined here. First, a simple assertion: height, more specifically reach, is very advantageous to fencing. Yes? I […]

Posted August 17, 2015 by Dante di Pietro in Fight Psychology, Teaching and Training

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Cognitive Distortions That Impede Improvement   10 comments

Since you have a human brain, you should know that it does not really work all that well most of the time. Sure, it’s amazing and wondrous and a genuine marvel of evolution, but it is nonetheless marred by all sorts of biases that are very useful for keeping a hunter-gatherer alive and are less […]

Posted November 25, 2014 by Dante di Pietro in Fight Psychology, Teaching and Training

Hacking the Brain: The Neuroscience of Motor Learning I   8 comments

One of the greatest tools at our disposal when we are learning to fence is our brains and nervous systems. It may surprise you to learn that up until a certain point, the majority of gains when learning new physical skills are neurological in nature, and are not due to increased muscle strength. The reason […]

Posted October 5, 2013 by Gawin in Fight Psychology

Fight Like a Girl   7 comments

So recently I received an email from a local fighter, concerned because someone told him that he treats women differently in a fight — more “softly”. I’ve heard this same kind of complaint before; I’ve had people ( people I know and respect ) warn me that such-and-such fighter doesn’t respect women/won’t take a shot […]

Posted February 12, 2013 by Hawke in Fight Psychology

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