(Requested by and with input from Bastyaen Karrekijn de Leeu, and inspired by Dante di Pietro’s Self-Assessment class)
First, your goal. Complete this sentence:
On the melee field, I want to be ___________________________
Starting with safety and mechanics, do you:
Call dead loudly and clearly when you die?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Understand the rules of engagement?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Know how to safely DFB an opponent?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
In one-on-one, can you:
Occupy any given scholar (begginner) indefinitely?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Occupy any given free scholar (intermediate) indefinitely?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Occupy any given provost (experienced) indefinitely?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Kill any given scholar within ten seconds without doubling?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Kill any given free scholar within ten seconds without doubling?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Kill any given provost within ten seconds without doubling?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
In a line, can you:
Defend yourself against attacks from the fencer in front of you?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Defend yourself against attacks from the fencers to either side of the fencer in front of you?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Successfully attack the fencer in front of you without exposing yourself to counterattack?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Successfully attack the fencers to either side of the fencer in front of you without exposing yourself to counterattack?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Track the movement of both lines, within a distance of three fencers to either side of you?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Track the movement of both lines, within a distance of five fencers to either side of you?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Track the movement of enemy fighters coming back from rez point?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Track the movement of the flanks of each line?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Track movement in your backfield?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Control your impatience?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
In the field can you/do you:
Correctly understand all orders given?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Hold ground against an attack without retreating?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Force a defender to retreat?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Understand the flow of a battle around you?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Exploit opponents’ mistakes?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Know the goal and plan of your unit and side?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Know the layout of the battlefield and the disposition of forces on that field?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Identify, prioritize, and track threats?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Be an effective participant when legged?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Be an effective participant when dis-armed?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Return to my unit from rez/return from rez with a unit?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Effectively take control of your unit if the commander dies?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
In command, can you:
Feel confident commanding two other fighters?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Feel confident commanding five other fighters?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Feel confident commanding ten other fighters?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Give all necessary orders clearly and loudly?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Know when to give which orders?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Describe four ways of attacking/engaging the enemy?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Counter those four means of engagement?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Analyze the strengths of an unknown enemy?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Spend an entire field battle without engaging an enemy opponent?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
Be the last to die from your unit?
(1) not at all/never (2) sometimes/somewhat (3) often/mostly (4) usually/very (5) always/completely
How often do you:
Practice melee at your local practice?
Discuss the results of your melee practice?
Study available resources (articles on the Academie website, discussions on the Academie forum, this blog, etc.)?
Participate in melee training sessions at events?
So, honestly, in any open field or other non-limited front battle, what’s your kill ratio?
Relative to all other Atlantians, rank your value from 1 (no value) to 5 (I am the Gold F’ing Standard):
In a line
Separated from a line
Defending a flank
Attacking a flank
In command
Your greatest asset on the melee field is:
Your greatest weakness on the melee field is:
Lastly, your goal, again. Has it changed? Complete this sentence:
On the melee field, you want to be ___________________________
I expect to accomplish this goal it will be necessary to __________________
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