In fencing there are certain actions you can take that demand a response from your opponent while simultaneously limiting that response to a knowable, small set of options. Example: I find your sword, you have to withdraw or change lines. Changing lines gives me a tempo to attack in during which, as long as I […]
Archive for February 2012
Questions for the Audience: Obedience in Melee 3 comments
Ymir 2012 6 comments
How was yours? (Full dump coming later, but chime in with your thoughts on how your fighting went, how the fighting of the rest of the fighters went, how the event went overall, you know, the usual)
Bowling with Fabris 1 comment
So what do Fabris and a Bowling ball have in common? So think back to physics class… yes for some of us that is further away than others: If you had a really cool physics teacher you might have gotten to do some neat things like shoot off potato cannons on the football field and […]
Meet-and-beat at Gulf Wars 2 comments
Greetings all! So, I’m pretty sure there are some lurkers out there, in addition to all the Knowne Worlde fencers who comment here. Staffan and I were planning to cross blades at Gulf Wars on Tuesday morning, and I’d love to meet everybody else who might be there. Since a good chunk of the Atlantians […]
Aethelmarc & Atlantia vs. The Knowne Worlde 4 comments
Aethelmarc and Atlantia are going to fight the East and the Mid at Pennsic. This is awesome. If you’re a fencer. Most heavy fighters I’ve talked to think it’s stupid. Not sure why. Some pelicans think Atlantia’s getting ripped off: The East, Mid, and Aethelmarc get a cut of the profits. Atlantia doesn’t. But the […]
Ice Castles 2012 5 comments
(Nothing like logging in and realizing you’ve got a backlog of posts to finish. Oops, my bad gentle readers!) A couple weeks back, Letia and I piled in to her little matchbox hatchback and we hied our way up to Black Diamond. Fighting season starts early in Atlantia (it really shouldn’t end: we need a […]