This post is going to be a little hard because, for the first time in a long time, I just did not enjoy the event. I enjoyed bits of it but, looking at the whole of the thing, I cannot say it was worth the drive. Part of it was personal: I’m really unhappy with […]
Archive for March 2010
Defending the Gate 2010 5 comments
Journal 3/22/10 7 comments
Oh what a week… Defending the Gate was chock-full of… actually, not fighting. But lots of things around fighting, that will be discussed in a separate post, and appear set to affect my events for the next couple of months in various ways. But meanwhile, back at the quotidian level… Giganti Monday, while sitting in […]
Fencing Journal 3/15 4 comments
Work continues to be a PITA, and it’s not going to get better until late April. Nothing like sleeping all day Sunday and still being exhausted on Monday to show you just how much this cube-farm gig can sap out of a person. Heavy Fighting at Baronial Practice Sunday (actually, the 14th) I finally nutted […]
Art of Marozzo 1 comment
Randy Packer is doing a detailed, step-by-step study of Marozzo, for all the world to see. Are there better uses for the internet? Probably not.
Fencing Journal 3/8 2 comments
The weather gods are asking for another dance off. Rained out on Thursday, and basically rained out of the event this weekend I was planning on going to. Damn, if only I’d made better use of my week. Oh, wait, I did. Tuesday Gaston’s heading down to Gulf Wars, and Rosalind was helping him get […]
Fencing Journal 3/1/2010 14 comments
In which Wistric gets tempo. No really this time. Fencing has been touch-and-go the past couple of weeks due to work. I made it out Thursday of this week, but hadn’t been out since Tuesday the week before. Damn our American dedication to over-productivity. No wonder French have more alcoholics and better food, they have […]
A Holistic Approach to Fencing 4 comments
or, We can’t fight 24 hours a day, so what do you do with the other 4 hours? There are skills which cannot be taught, but which can be learned. Or, at least, skills I cannot teach them, and don’t really know anybody who can. These include foresight and forethought, detachment of mental focus from […]
Hold on, it’s coming Leave a comment
Work’s a pain in the butt, musings on my fencing over the past couple of weeks, as well as logistical preparations for melee, footwork, and my own personal holistic approach to fencing, are all brewing. But too much arguing with clients has soaked up all of my spare words. Meanwhile, I’ve migrated the content from […]