Mair’s Sickle fight 5: Incisiones Duae Quibus Brachia Stringuntur   1 comment

From the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. Patiente on left, in his counter-attack.


Translation by Rachel Barkley

Two blows by which the arms are cut

You will adapt yourself to the position mentioned beforehand[1]. You should remember to place forward the right foot. You should hold the sickle in the right hand against the enemy.You should join the left hand to the left hip. Thence you should scratch his right arm with the sickle.

But if he attempts the same against you, you fixing forward the right foot and holding the sickle in the right hand against the enemy, then apply the left hand to his right arm in front[2] and you should repel the enemy’s incision of the left position[3].  If you have captured the aforementioned hand firmly, thence wound his right arm with the sickle.

If he should employ the same thing, you should seize the enemy’s right hand with the left. You should step in with the left foot, if you will have raised his right hand above the head, and immediately with your right hand having been pulled back you should plough up his loins with the sickle.

Otherwise when the enemy has employed the same, with the left hand about to be controlling upwards further his right arm[4] from this position if firmly you turning have drawn yourself up, you should be able to break the enemy’s arm. Thence you should pursue the neck by scratching, and from him you should retreat yourself.


[1] i.e. the starting guards of the earlier plays

[2] the ulnar side

[3] “to the left side”

[4] Raising the enemy’s right hand up with your left hand


Interpretation by Owen Townes



Close measure
Righ foot forward
Left hand at Left side
Sickle held forward and vertical


Close measure
Righ foot forward
Left hand at Left side
Sickle held forward and vertical


Strike Patiente’s Right arm[1]

Seize Agente’s Right arm with Left
Strike Right arm [2]

Seize Patiente’s Right hand with Left
Step in with Left foot pulling Right hand free
Raise Patiente’s hand above your head
Onside unterhau to Patiente’s groin

Seize Agente’s hand and deflect to Right side
Turning to Right, freeing Right hand, raising Agente’s hand to bring Left shoulder under Agente’s Right arm
Break it
Turn back to Agente and strike his neck, then withdraw

Observations and Notes:

[1] For the strike to do real damage, the cut must come from the elbow, and ends up directed to the inside of the Right wrist

[2] Seizure and cut should be to the inside of the exposed forearm

Posted July 12, 2012 by Wistric

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