Things are a little sluggish on the Warfare because, well, there’s a whole shit ton to do before Pennsic rolls around. Fighting, garb, and prepping my A&S are ongoing. But Pennsic promises to result in much posting, of course, and also in the acquisition of 2-4 new toys for the study of Peasant HMA, and […]
Archive for July 2011
Insert Dante making some comment about “Weekly” Warfare Leave a comment
My new toys! 3 comments
Alpha version, peasant flails for hma. Beta version will have 6′ handles, leather or cloth covered striking heads, and natural rope. Modeled off of these guys’ flails Hooray, HMA!
Journal 7/3, or the Melee Drill Experiment of the Week Leave a comment
There aren’t really enough thoughts kicking around in my brain to warrant a full break down of last week’s fighting. Mainly, Dante came down and taught us Capo Ferro two Sundays ago, which was awesome, and we drilled it again this past Sunday. And on Saturday Nikulai authorized, I won a tourney, and I preached […]