What? It still happens! We’ve finished sickle and peasant staff, so I’ve cleaned those up and uploaded our translation and interpretations: SICHELFECHTEN! aka Sickle fight, but it always sounds more brutal in German: Fuste Agresti aka Peasant Staff. Sadly, I don’t have the German for it, but the bit where you implode Patiente’s face sort of […]
Archive for the ‘German HMA’ Category
This Week in German HMA! Leave a comment
Musing regarding German school stance 5 comments
Of late I’ve been reading through my copy of Codex Wallerstein (I blame Rhonwen) and thinking thoughts about German footwork. The 15th century manuals show a very upright and almost straight-legged stance: ‘ The 16th century sources show a wider, lower stance […]
This week in German HMA – October 1st to October 7th Leave a comment
We wrap up the sickle fight translations here, a little older, a little wiser, and in many cases having received a sickle shot to the taint. Wear protection. Mair’s Sickle fight 15: Duae Incisiones Mediae Unde Habitus Sternendi Hostis Formatur – Mair says “When it doubt, choke ’em out” Mair’s Sickle fight 16: Modus Per […]
This Week in German HMA – September 10th to September 16th Leave a comment
Five more to go, I wonder if we can squeeze them out in one week. Then we can move on to tree branches! In the meantime, definitely time to get on those metal simulators… Mair’s Sickle fight 12: Incisio supera contra eam qua latus impetitur – Pay no attention to the deviation from the system, […]
This Week in German HMA – August 20th to August 26th Leave a comment
Spinning back up here at the Warfare as Pennsic slowly starts to wear off and the work backlog thins to a manageable level. Speaking of Pennsic, this happened at the A&S display: And have I mentioned my plans for a new sickle simulator? Mair’s Sickle fight 9: Alius habitus praecendentis formae – Which provides […]
This Week in German HMA – July 16th-22nd Leave a comment
Week 2 of the New Plan, and so far, three more for the records: Mair’s Sickle fight 6: Gemina incisio contra geminam aversionem – Which inspires little commentary Mair’s Sickle fight 7: Supera et infera incisio cum suis aversionibus – Which makes Wistric swear, SWEAR that he can decode the system, leaving him crouching over […]
This week in German Martial Arts – July 9th-15th Leave a comment
Saturday, hanging out at Letia’s birthday party, Yzra said “I’m almost up to 100 pages translated!” I thought about it, and how I’ve got all of 10 of those pages up for public consumption, and said, “We may need to take a new tack to getting these on the WW.” “How so? Just post one […]
Mair’s Sickle fight 3: Incisio Contra Habitum Hostis Vellendi 1 comment
Translation by Rachel Barkley Incision against the Position of an Enemy Pulling Away In this fight, if you will have come up nearer to your enemy than before [1], you will place forward the right foot and you will grasp the sickle in the right hand against him. You will hold the left hand […]
Mair’s Sickle fight 2: Inferior Et Superior Incisio 1 comment
Translation by Rachel Barkley A Lower and and Upper Incision In mutual combat, if you have prepared yourself in advance like an athlete for the competition[1], remember that you should fix forward the right foot and against the adversary you should control the grain sickle with the right hand. You should protect under your right […]
Mair’s Sickle fight 1: Incisio Superna Falcis Frumentariae De Latere Utroque 1 comment
Translation by Rachel Barkley An Incision of the Grain Sickle from Above Down on Either Side If you two are mutually engaged with a proper[1] sickle, you should put forward the right foot. You should grasp the sickle with the right hand next to the left side of your head, you should reach out against […]