Saturday morning Letia and I loaded up the War Wagon and headed west. Sacred Stone was hosting an event an hour away, and it seemed a reasonable drive to get some killing in. Also, it seemed as good a time as any to kick off the Spring 2011 Event Torrent (14 events before June, including […]
Archive for January 2011
Songs of the Stone Leave a comment
Journal, 1/17 1 comment
Had a day of drills and a day of fighting this week, but still not all that much to actually discuss about it. I say this, and may well see you on other side of 1,000 words, but we’ll find out. Meanwhile, the event this past weekend was pretty good fun and maybe I’m just […]
Giganti 20: The Conclusion Leave a comment
In his last four chapter Giganti still introduces new concepts, reiterates some of his old standbys, and basically keeps ploughing forward. It’s not really a concluding section, just “More shit to do with sword and dagger.” Still, it’s what we’ve got. Maybe we can find catharsis in here, or maybe it’s a Beckett play. Maybe […]
Journal, 1/10 6 comments
No drilling this week, so only the fighting from Thursday to think on. And it boils down to two Significant Thoughts. Form Or, where I say “Dante was *cough*cough*right*cough*cough”. Per his suggestion in a comment, I spent Thursday with my feet at an obtuse angle, experimenting with how it affected my ability to stay in […]
Giganti 19: Body Voiding Out of a Lunge 11 comments
Here we have some of the few instances of duo tempi, in this case for the purposes of yielding out of range of a lunge to attack on the tempo of the recovery. Which was, as, like, two people remember, one of the lessons we learned from advance-lunge drills a few weeks back. Being able […]
Journal 1/3 5 comments
So apparently the new year decided to be inaugurated without making an enemy of another favored alcohol, but also with drills. Lots of drills. More Drills than a Home Depot Saturday, to celebrate the first day of 2011, Gawin and his friend Adam came over (and brought Gawin’s lady, and another of their friends, who […]