Translation by Rachel Barkley
An upward and downward blow with their own evasions
If you engage mutually, you should put forward the left foot. You should seize the sickle in the right hand upward against the enemy, and you should scratch[1] his head.
But if he in turn attempts to wound[2] you from above you fixing forward the left foot at the same time and holding the sickle with the right hand against the enemy against the incision from below, then you should attack his right arm partly to the front[3] with the left hand and if you will have lifted up that same arm, it is permitted to push back the above incision of the adversary. Then wound the fixed forward left foot on the enemy on the hams[4].
But if the enemy has similarly attempted the same at you from below, you should press on the inside of his right elbow with your left hand and when you have firmly pulled him back you should repel his incision. With the right hand, quickly withdraw back to yourself and you seeking the enemy’s right arm to plough up[5]. From here, you should retreat from him.
[1]Latin “perstringere”
[2]Latin “sauciare”
[3]Most likely refers to whatever part of the arm is closest to you
[4]Mmmmm… people hams
[5]Latin “Proscindere”. The usages of sauciare, perstringere, and proscindere in this play point to the two sub-classes of Wound, the Scratch (A quick strike from the arm joints) and the Ploughing Up(a more forceful, body-driven strike). Since one is “ploughing up”, a person interpreting this text for their students would probably know that proscindere denotes a specific, agricultural action.
Interpretation by Owen Townes
Left foot forward
Sickle forward and vertical
Left foot forward
Sickle forward and downward
Strike to head
Grab Agente’s Right arm with Left hand and raise up
Offside low cut to Agente’s Left thigh
Block inside of Right elbow to Right, rotating
Withdraw Right hand, ploughing up Patiente’s right arm
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