Royal Armouries MS I.33 (“One Thirty-Three”, “Tower Fechtbuch”)
Second through Sixth Wards
Set 1:
Second Ward: Right Shoulder
First Counter: Right Cover (Half Shield with buckler rotated under and to the right of sword hand)
Play 1:
P in Right Shoulder, S in Right Cover
P attacks with oberhau to S’s head
S slope paces right and thrusts at P
ALT: P does nothing, S thrust-strikes with slope pace
Play 2:
P in RS, S in RC
P overbinds S’s blade to left
P passes forward, shield knocks, and nuckens
ALT: P overbinds, S counterbinds, passes forward, shield knocks, and nuckens
Play 3:
P in RS, S in RC
P binds S’s blade to left
S counterbinds to left
P cedes blade, shield-knocks and cuts
ALT: P cedes, thrusts
ALT2: As P cedes, S stab-knocks
ALT3: P rotates blade CW, overbinds right
Play 4: What can S do when bound
P in RS, S in RC
P binds S’s blade to left
S cedes back and up, cuts from left
ALT: S rotates hand, slopes right and thrusts
ALT2: For either case, P can cut along blade to strike S’s hands
Second Ward, Second Counter: Half Shield
Play 5:
P in RS, S in HS
P cuts down between buckler and sword, striking S’s hands
ALT: P cuts down, S slope steps right, stab-knocks
Play 6:
P in RS, S in HS
S passes forward and thrust strikes
Play 7:
P in RS, S in HS
P attacks with oberhau
S counters with oberhau
Set 2:
Third Ward: Left Shoulder
First Counter: Left Cover (Right Cover with sword pointing down, held at shoulder level)
Play 1:
P in LS, S in LC
P oberhaus, shieldknocks
S steps left, stab-knocks
ALT: P does nothing, S strikes with oberhau from left, or thrust to belly
Play 2:
P in LS, S in LC
P oberhaus from right
S blocks, shield-knocks, and counters with oberhau
Play 3:
P in LS, S in LC
P binds on right, shield-knocks, strikes
ALT: P binds, S rotates hands CW and binds right, shield-knocks, strikes
Play 4:
P in LS, S in LC
P underbinds
S passes forward, grapples/shield knocks, strikes
Second Counter: Half Shield
Play 5:
P in LS, S in HS
P falls under sword
S passes forward, shield knocks
Third Counter: Long Point
Play 6:
P in LS, S in LP
P cuts from left
S stab-knocks
Play 7:
P in LS, S in LP
P overbinds right, shield knocks
ALT: P overbinds left, shield-knocks
Set 3:
Fourth Ward: Vom Tag
First Counter: Underarm/High Cover (Silver’s Bastard Gardant)
Second Counter: Half Shield (transitioning to HC as with Underarm)
Play 1:
P in VT, S in UA
S transitions to HC, strikes at P’s sword arm
P retreats to void back
S thrusts at P’s chest
Play 2:
P in VT, S in UA
P strikes with Oberhau
S transitions to HC, shield knocks
Play 3:
P in VT, S in UA
S transitions to HC
P binds with buckler, passes forward, strikes
Play 4:
P in VT, S in UA
S transitions to HC
P binds with buckler, passes forward
S stop-thrusts with half incartata
ALT: S parries cut, overbinds right, shield knocks
Set 4:
Sixth Ward: Plow
Play 1:
P in P, S in HS
P slopes left, thrusts
S overbinds, shield-knocks
Play 2:
P in P, S in HS
S closes, underbinds on left, “treads through” (pins blade with buckler), strikes
Play 3:
P in P, S in HS
S closes, underbinds on left
P cedes blade, oberhaus
S parries, shield-knocks, strikes
Set 5:
Fifth Ward: Tail
First Counter: Half Shield
Play 1:
P in T, S in HS
P passes forward, binds blade w/ buckler,oberhaus
Play 2:
P in T, S in HS
P does nothing
S slope paces left, thrusts
Play 3:
P in T, S in HS
P unterhaus
S parries
P deceives parry, slopes left, thrusts
S counters, binds, shield-knocks
Play 4:
P in T, S in HS
P unterhaus or thrusts
S switches to Crutch, binds buckler, strikes
Second Counter: Tail Cover (similar to “alber”)
Play 5:
P in T, S in TC
P strikes to leg
S steps left, parries
S cuts @ P’s leg with false edge/thrusts/passes forward and into P, throwing him
Play 6:
P in T, S in TC
P oberhaus with separated buckler
S deflects blow away to right, cuts P’s face/shield-knocks
Attacks from Tail passing through Plow or Left Shoulder can be dealt with as above
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