Aedh ua Ruairc
Ruairc is a resident of Atlantia and rapier instructor at the Triangle Sword Guild. He is a Free Scholar of the Academie d’Espee.
Dante di Pietro
Dante di Pietro is a resident of Atlantia. He earned a Laurel for studying and instructing Capoferro, and was elevated to the Order of Defense in Atlantia.
Gawin Kappler
Gawin is a resident of Calontir, though he began in Atlantia and is a Free Scholar of the Academie d’Espee.
Letia Thistelsomething
Letia is a resident of Atlantia and Provost of the Academie d’Espee.
Tassin Navetier
Tassin is a resident of Atlantia and Free Scholar of the Academie d’Espee.
Toki Ima
Toki is a resident of Meridies, and the Student of Wistric.
Wistric Oftun
Managing Editor
“Certo” (I fight/struggle/strive)
“Poena Stultus Corpore Digrediens Est” (Pain is Stupid Leaving the Body)
Wistric is a resident of Meridies, a Master of the Order of Defense, and Provost of the Academie d’Espee of Atlantia
*Here, SCA names are used where available because the primary focus of this blog is SCA, and because Wistric prefers to keep prospective employers from finding this site
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