Thursday morning was set aside for order meetings (where I discovered the best way to do an order meeting is standing in the back, drinking mimosas, banned by law from voting) and for the champions duels. I watched for a while, hang out and chatted, and then wandered back to camp to get ready […]
Archive for March 2016
Gulf Wash XXV: Spin Cycle – Wistric’s Thursday, the Day of Days 2 comments
Gulf Wash XXV: Spin Cycle – Wistric’s Wednesday 1 comment
Armored Ravine Battle Wednesday morning I woke up feeling like I’d spent about three hours in the sun in heavy armor the day before. Because I did. In other words, I wanted nothing more from life except to drink coffee and eat bacon and watch everybody else go off to fight. Then I armored up […]
Gulf Wash XXV: Spin Cycle – Wistric’s Tuesday 2 comments
This year saw Wistric’s return to Gulf Wars, and perhaps the gods were unhappy about that. Really, though, I think the gods just think there are too many MODs: Damiano (Glean Abhann) and David (Meridies) got postponed due to the weather (more on that later) and Caitilin nearly did. Having finally managed to Iron Man […]
Gulf Wash XXV: The Spin Cycle – How was yours? 9 comments
Reports! (And, yes, that’s the official title here at the Warfare)
Announcement: Scholar ceremony of Lady Toki Ima 1 comment
Master Wistric Oftun, OD, and Lady Toki Ima, request the honor of your presence as she becomes his Scholar, to study the art of combat on her path in our Society. Please join us if able for a brief ceremony to be held at the Rapier Field Battle at Gulf Wars, on Wednesday, March 16th. […]
A plan in four parts 27 comments
This year I am looking at 15 years in the SCA, 8 as a White Scarf, 4 as a Laurel, and 1 as a Master of Defense. In that time, I think I’ve figured a few things out, though mostly a lot later than I’d have preferred. More on that below! I have been thinking […]