Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

MERRY CHRISTMAS!   Leave a comment

To you and yours, whatever your beliefs, I hope this time finds you with those you love most, and that, if not, they are safe and sound wherever they are.  And remember, nothing says “I love you” like three quarter-sized bruises that form a heart on the upper arm. Barring that, you can go with […]

Posted December 25, 2009 by wistric in Announcements

Obligatory Justification of Existence   14 comments

A year and a half ago I started a small project to send a once-a-week e-mail to the Kappellenberg fencing e-mail list with some musing apropos of melee and combat in general, to try to spark some of the philosophical discussion that a fighter practice is not necessarily conducive towards.  The eventual goal would be […]

Posted January 27, 2009 by wistric in Announcements