I did not, for various reasons, get out and fight this week (I will tomorrow at Spring Assessment). And I can’t even think up a good question for the masses. So, here’s your topic: Cav Unit Tactics are neither Cavalry, nor Tactics. Discuss! (Or, what do you all want to see me blather on about, […]
Archive for March 2011
Talk Amongst Yourselves 6 comments
Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday, 2011 5 comments
The event season rolls on, 5 down, 9-12 to go, and I need to sleep and heal. But, I’m told that 30 is the new 25, which means I can keep bouncing along assured of my invincibility until such time as I realize that 30 is not the new 25 and is, in fact, the […]