As much as I hate the totally non-content-generating nature of Facebook (seriously, I feel shame looking at my own wall and realizing how much of it is just “I THOUGHT THIS WAS AWESOME YOU SHOULD TOO!” Though, isn’t what this blog tends to be anyway?) I do wish I could tag people. Because some I know have thoughts on…
The Authorizations
There were at least 12 that I know of, possibly more, and two were minors. Now, some got to hear day-of my thoughts, but I’d rather not just fill this space with me bitching, so I’d rather ask:
If you were there and participated (Antonio Manolo, Tassin, et al.) what were your thoughts?
How’d they sit with your expectations of the activity?
The Boat Battle
For those of you who fought in it or marshaled it (eh, all of you?), how’d it go? What did you try? What worked, what didn’t? What could have changed to shift the outcome?
The Woods Battle
Same questions as the boat battle, really.
The Free Scholar Prize of Count Sinclair
If you were there, how do you think it went? How was it treated by the audience? If you were on site but not there… why?
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