Lily’s advice for not injuring your back   Leave a comment

Depending on where you injured. And I find it really hard to type up instructions because it is easy to do more damage than good.  So listen to your body and Don’t Overdo it!  I only give you suggestions because I know you know how to stretch safely.  Scroll all the way to the bottom for my best solution.  I like heat (I microwave a bag of rice), but if you tore something that is a terrible idea.  If it is muscles seizing: Lay in a hot bath with salt & some menthol then get a massage or some wifely rubbings.  If it is a tear- icepack and rest.

I would start with your sun salutation just to get warm.   I know you know how to do it because I saw you at Ice Castle.

I love all the bend at the waist moves.  they are fantastic.  I also get good mileage out of sitting with your legs crossed so that your ankles are under your knees and your shins are mostly parallel.  make fists &put your knuckles and finger bumps on the ground behind your butt.  Inhale + extend through the crown of your head, engage your belly to support your spine.  Exhale + lean forward form the waist.  you are looking for a angle between 60 & 45 degrees.  Extend your sit bones to the back wall and your head to the front wall.  If you need to you can rock your hips back & forth a little to wiggle the stretch to where you need it. Take a breath or two here.  Then collapse down over your legs with a genital curve to your spine.  your hands will move forward relax out of fists and may come off the floor.
Sit back up, Switch your legs and do it again for the other side.
This is also awesome for stretching your hips apparently.  I don’t really know, my hips are too flexible to get much out of it.  So your mileage may vary, I think that if you aren’t as bendy in the hips it might not be as nice for your back.

I do seated cat/dog &  cow face.  I like both of those.
I don’t really know names for things past this point
I like the “I surrender stretch”  sit comfortably.  hold arms out parallel to the floor bend 90 degrees at the elbow with palms facing forward in an “I surrender pose.”  rotate from shoulder to move your arms so that your palms face the ceiling.  then down and forward so that they face the back wall.

I also like – sit comfortable on the floor extend up thought the crown of your head, inhale + engage your core to protect your spine.  exhale while you rotate around your spine keeping upright carriage and your spine in line.

Under a log over a log-
hands & knees knees under hips hand slightly in front of your shoulders but in line with them.  pretend you are going from down dog to cobra.  Then arch your back up vertebra by vertebra back to cat then to table again.


get one of the miracle balls form the book store or the yoga section of the sports authority.  Lay on your back with your knees back so that the ball is under the owie part.  lay there for 5-15 minutes and let your back “melt” over the ball.  Then do a an inverted pose for about 5-10 minutes.  (inverted pose – find a wall.  lay on your back with your but up against the wall extend your legs so you look like you are sitting with your legs flat on the wall.  drop your arms to the floor and focus on relaxing your hips into the sockets, and try to feel like you are an ice cube melting in the sun.  deep breathing for about 5-10 min.  Then draw your knees into your chest roll to your side & sit up for real.  make sure you roll to the side first because if you have circulation problems you can pass out.

Posted March 2, 2012 by wistric in Musings

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