This Week in German HMA – August 20th to August 26th   Leave a comment

Spinning back up here at the Warfare as Pennsic slowly starts to wear off and the work backlog thins to a manageable level.

Speaking of Pennsic, this happened at the A&S display:

Duke Cariadoc took a good long time reading the German Flail paper


And have I mentioned my plans for a new sickle simulator?

Mair’s Sickle fight 9: Alius habitus praecendentis formae – Which provides an elegant illustration of the theory of guards.

Mair’s Sickle fight 10: Superna incisio contra habitum aversionis – More straightforward cutting and slicing.  I’m noticing that most of his blocks are upward, and wish I knew enough of eastern martial arts to see if there were parallels.  It occurs to me that it’s something I’ve seen in some forms, but couldn’t name them to save my life.  Any thoughts?

Mair’s Sickle fight 11: Duae incisiones exteriores – Everything you did in Plate 10, starting with the left foot forward?  Yeah, you can do it starting with the right foot forward, too.


And that’s about it.  Except for:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YZRA!  The translator ages a-pace, but still has a few years left in her to finish her great Paulus Hector Mair translation project.


Posted August 25, 2012 by Wistric in German HMA

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