Discussing Tactics: Distributing experienced fighters   22 comments

The Warfare has had a lot of discussion recently on fighting individually, but precious little discussion on melee. I would like to start a weekly discussion where a scenario is given and we discuss the optimal ways to fight in that scenario.

The Scenario: You are commanding a 5 man melee team. You have 2 experienced fighters, 2 fighters that have been practicing melee on and off for a 6 months to a year, and 1 fighter has no melee experience. Combat skill in this case is roughly the same as the fighters experience. Your opponent has a roughly equal distribution of skill.

The Question: Given the above scenario how do you distribute your fighters for the best results?

To try and get as many unbiased answers as possible responses will be hidden for a few days [ed: Hopefully] and then opened for discussion.

Posted July 23, 2015 by Tassin in Melee

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